The Pilates Method is an exercise regimen for a lifetime. It can be modified to work any person’s body safely and effectively. I have had the good fortune to work with many of my students for over two decades. It never becomes boring because the body is constantly changing and the Pilates Method can be modified to accommodate those changes. Combining my commitment to teaching the true form of Pilates with my students’ dedication and concentration I have seen my students reap the benefits of the Pilates Method.
“I was overweight with chronic lower back and neck pain before starting Pilates with Christina. I have been practicing Pilates for 3 years now and I feel better without chronic pain and have lost over 25 pounds. I have made Pilates with Christina a place in my life forever.”
-Deanna T.
“After my lessons with Christina I invariably feel refreshed, enlivened and happy to have not let my rheumatoid arthritis get the best of me. My posture has improved, my legs are firmer and my stomach flatter.”
-Lynn W.
“I started Pilates with Christina 10 years ago (shortly after having my open heart surgery), and I have noticed a big improvement in my flexibility and my golf game.”
–Ed W.
I have always been plagued by knee problems. As my knee problems worsened and I contemplated knee replacement, Christina kept me walking and helped keep my body strong and flexible. When I finally had a bilateral knee replacement, I was able to continue working with Christina within 6 weeks, which helped me tremendously with my recovery.
-Michele G.
“Prior to working with Christina I had three back surgeries and was diagnosed with MS. Pilates with Christina has helped a great deal with both my back pain and MS. My core is stronger, and I am able to walk further.”
-A grateful student
“I have been working with Christina for almost 4 years. Despite having exercise-induced asthma, my flexibility and muscle strength have shown tremendous improvement. My doctors confirm that my physical condition improves every year, and I am now in the top 15% of men my age for overall physical condition, including cardio-vascular metrics.”
-Donn O.
“Not only was I able to do Pilates through my pregnancy…Christina’s Pilates sessions have helped me to rebuild my core muscles after a c-section. Thanks Christina!”
-Colleen G.
“Christina really helped me further my career with the Sarasota Ballet. I know I would not have been able to perform the way I did without the training and control she was able to give me. She is dedicated to preserving the true Joseph Pilates technique which is something rare and special.”
-Lauren Strongin-Ciobanu, soloist with the Houston Ballet
“I have been Christina’s client for the past 3 years, and as a result of her instruction and my resulting core strength, my significant scoliosis pain has continued to lessen.”
-Holmes M.
“I started Pilates with Christina when I was 73 years old. Now 81, I look forward to continuing it into my 80’s, 90’s and beyond!”
-Libby L.
I have been working with Christina in Sarasota for the last 9 years and have found her Pilates instruction to be, not only authentic, but geared to the individual and constantly modified to meet your needs.
-Michele G.
I chose Christina because of her dedication to the true form of Pilates and her superior equipment. Today I get out of bed without unbearable back pain and I feel stronger and leaner.
-Andrika B.
Christina teaches with a trained dancer’s sense of precision, and is always good humored and patient. As a Pilates teacher, she is definitely a find.
-Lynn W.
Christina has streamlined a syllabus for her students that goes to the essence of Pilates. And as with all that is classical, great preparation and sweat equity goes into it!
-Clara Gibson-Maxwell, dancer/choreographer
As a professional golfer, I have spent countless hours in gyms with personal trainers but none have produced the results that Christina has. Pilates is miraculous for golfers as it is, but you only get the full benefit if you have a good instructor to ensure that you are doing the movements correctly. I have become infinitely stronger and more flexible through my sessions with Christina and owe a great deal of the improvement in my game to her.
-Liebelei Elena Lawrence, Ladies European Tour
Christina is a personable, knowledgeable and fun teacher. This very disciplined form of exercise challenges my core more than weight training or yoga and makes sports and just standing up straight easier!
-Antoinette M.
We all try to get value for what we buy or invest in. I feel that this ongoing investment in my own health and future, as Christina delivers it, provides great value to me.
-Bruce H.
I always thought I would be happy if I could maintain my body as I aged, but working with Christina I have also improved my strength, flexibility and balance. In fact, the results are outstanding.
-Barbara N.
Christina easily adjusts the workout for any injury, which enables me to continue to workout through the healing process. After two lessons a week for the last three years, I feel stronger than ever.
-Dawn E.
Pilates exercises my whole body without putting strain on my joints. It is a wonderful complement to my other athletic activities.
-Brad B.
I have been studying Pilates with Chistina for 3 years and find the workouts to be very challenging both physically and mentally. I also workout in a boxing gym and find my balance and coordination to be at a higher level from Pilates.
-Richard K.
I appreciate Christina’s comprehensive knowledge of the body’s muscles, capacities and limits. I also think I’m better able to enjoy my life because of regular Pilates instruction.
-Martha M.
Christina is calm, insistent and patient. Her approach is well organized, considerate and keeps me coming back. Pilates is now a part of my weekly routine and I love it!
-Kathy S.
After two surgeries and being restricted from lifting anything heavier than 5 lbs. my strength and muscle tone had diminished quickly. I started Pilates with Christina two months post-op and within the first two months of training I was already starting to feel toned and muscular in all the right places.
-A grateful student
As a physical therapist I believe that most people can truly benefit from a Pilates program. Christina is able to evaluate her students and puts together a program specifically designed for their needs. I cannot recommend her highly enough.
-Lynn C.
For the past 8 years Christina has helped me to work without harming previous injuries or surgeries. The Pilates method is something I can practice for a lifetime—anytime and anywhere.
-Charlene L.
Christina is a fantastic teacher who is very detail focused, especially on proper alignment. This is particularly important for me as I occasionally have back issues. Believe it or not, you can actually do a full workout with modifications when you are having back issues.
-Mitchell E.